Elevation Difference v. Accumulation


New member
Hey John-
Have a question about terrain, elevation in the central UP. I live in Ishpeming which has an elevation of 1486 ' ASL. Negaunee has an est. elevation of 1348' ASL. Skandia 905' ASL. Why do some agencies refer to Negaunee and Skandia as "highlands" and not Ish. I mean, "c'mon" Negaunee is 2 miles east of Ishpeming and Negaunee Twp. can get x2 the amount of snow we do.
Thanks for any input you may have on this.


I say it's discrimination and time to call the ACLU!

Seriously, there is obviously is little difference between Negaunee and Ishpeming in distance and elevation, perhaps it is just the city they choose to use. I would imagine Skandia is just used for it's geographical proximity to Marquette and to a lesser extend the elevation.

It may be a case where they say: "Higher terrain west of a line from Negaunee to Skandia". That would then include Ishpeming. Were as if they said Ishpeming to Skandia it would leave out Negaunee.

I guess to get the real answer though, you would have to ask those that used those locales rather than Ishpeming.

Ishpeming is kinda hard to spell!?



New member
I figured that was the case.. Next time I see Bohnak in the grocery store I'll ask him whats up wit dat.
And your absolutely correct: Ishpeming doesnt exactly flow from a pen all that easy nor does it flow off the tongue any easier.



New member
Ishpeming is called up on the hill when talking to locals.Where in Ishpeming do you live ? Our camp is out on 581.Looks like the bridge on 581 is done . Be there for a long thankgiving week.I like the way Ishpeming rolls off the tongue lol.