Elk near Amasa?

Over the weekend I was at camp near Amasa and I saw what I thought was an elk crossing the Paint River. The antler beam and height was way too big to be a white tail. Unfortunately I did not have a camera along and the deer was a couple hundred feet up stream from my vantage point so a photo could not have done justice.

Hey we have moose in the area, why not elk?



Well-known member
WI DNR discussing bringing elk back to WI probably want to give wolves something bigger to dine on.lol Might start seeing elk again but would not want to hit one on the trail don't know I could survive that even with protection!


Well-known member
Yep always been a few but don't know how I feel about widespread elk in WI? My understanding is the WI DNR recently started the discussion about the elk topic then tabled for further discussion & consideration. Deer herd is coming back in northern WI then add elk to the mix then these new small gas miser cars just don't think it is a good idea for public saftey. Like I said not sure I like the idea.IMO


New member
I haven't heard of Elk begin up that way. But, I have seen quite a few moose around Amasa/Covington.


New member
Or, I heard that there was a herd of them by clam lake...having a party up there with free bud lite!

Roomer has it that the chick-fila cows were last seen heading or (herding) up that way.

Nothing good can come from this!


Active member
Or, I heard that there was a herd of them by clam lake...having a party up there with free bud lite!

Roomer [sic] has it that the chick-fila cows were last seen heading or (herding) up that way.

Nothing good can come from this!

So da moose has rooms ta rent, and is takin' in (click →) roomers? :confused:

(You're right, nothin' good can come of this!)
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New member
It's funny you posted this sunday I was driving to manistique and I swore I saw an elk. I only got a quick look at it but in was way to big to be a whitetail but the coat was to light to be a moose.It was standing in the middle of a 2 track about 20 yard into the woods so it was only a quick look.


New member
It's funny you posted this sunday I was driving to manistique and I swore I saw an elk. I only got a quick look at it but in was way to big to be a whitetail but the coat was to light to be a moose.It was standing in the middle of a 2 track about 20 yard into the woods so it was only a quick look.

Nash....this has just GOT to be a baiting!