Emotional Pictures - Pictures that say 1000 words


New member
I saw this on another board....




New member
If you can find it, I suggest watching the movie Taking Chance with Kevin Bacon.
If people can watch it and not get emotional they are not American.


New member
Yeah, i saw that. The one of the kid with the vulture behind him kills me. i cant watch those commercials asking for sponsors for kids over seas cuz i cant stomach seeing the poor lil kids having to live that way.


Active member
Man-o-man some of those are tough to look at. Feel so bad for those that have lost a loved one to war! or a loved one period.


New member
Mach1, It might be a little disrespectful to put your broken chain in this tread with real
peoples emotions being posted here, however after feeling sadness throughout my body your broken chain/ crankcase made me laugh. Hope you get that fixed without to much expense.