Enjoy my trail permit!


New member
To the low life that thought they needed to take the trail permit off my wife's broken down sled while we went back to get the truck to haul it out. Now I get to buy another. Its not the fact that I have to buy another, but the fact that someone had the nerve to steal it. Thanks, needed to vent.

Oh, and I get to rebuild the motor too. So I guess the permit is pretty cheap.


New member
that really stinks there are people like that out there..........on the lighter side maybe you can turn it into your taxman for a charitable contribution....


what a moron. I sure hope what comes around goes around for the person.. I hope you get a stroke of good luck!!



at the of the season I donate mine to a sticker collector here. He is happy and so am I. Please leave all stickers alone until you have permission. We will all be much happier. If you need the money for a trail sticker ask someone for it. I'm sure someone would give it to you. Stealing is wrong and bad. Lets start the New Year on a positive note. What comes around goes around.


New member
Highlander, that's what we were expecting. Kind of glad in a way that it was still there, not glad it has a blown piston. It was parked over near Gwinn. Not sure without looking at the map what road it was on, but it was on trail 8. It sat there for about 3- 4 hours til we got back with the truck/ trailer.


New member
What the F! It takes all kinds now day's. Why can't people just leave their hands off other peoples things.


Well-known member
and doesnt it say "void" underneath when peeled off,so what good is it for the a-hole anyway?

The pre printed Michigan stickers are pretty much useless if you peel them off.

I thought there was a way to get a cheaper replacement sticker. Do you contact MSA or the MI DNR?