etec ?


New member
my wife has a 2010 renagade x 600 electric start etec and some times when you start it the dash will say things like low oil sensor or muffler sensor or high water temp lots of wierd stuff or it will do it shortly after taking off .then it goes out and runs fine .it has never ran bad when this is going on and it only does it once in awhile .iam going to start by checking the grounds .has anyone seen this problem ? any info would be helpful .thanks .


New member
I have a 2010 gsx and had the same thing happen to my wifes gsx. Went to my dealer and found that it is a sensor in the muffler. repaired and have not a problem.


New member
gsxman did your sled do the same thing with the other codes along with the muffler code ? pit grunt if you could find that part # that would be great .thanks all for the help .


New member
Did you get your problem fixed? Once the wifes snowmobile was fixed the same information you were talking about disappeared.


New member
this weekend one time the wife said it beeped at her and the dash said learning .has anyone ever seen that come up on there dash ?


New member
i dont think they have relays like the old ones .do they ? if they do i cant find it in the book.


New member
did some reading on doo talk found a thread on it and it sounds like alot of guys having the same problem .sounds like there is no no answers for it or fix .that that is life with one of these.cant believe that there is no fix for this or they would all have the problem on all of them.