Ethanol Debate


There are currently 2+ threads going on about Ethanol on this site. I don't want to debate on if it makes a difference, is it green, etc. The way I see it, it's here (for now at least) in certain areas. Personally, i run it in my vehicles (SUV and truck) and my push lawn mower and snow blower. For the yard things I run premium and add some sea-fome in the on-season and stabil in the off. I do not run any ethanol (that I'm aware of) in my outboards or sleds and also use premium and sea-foam for these items.

I've never had a problem. What are others doing to combat the bad effects of ethanol.


New member
I think the biggest problem with the e-10 is the fact that it has to be fresh. With that said, most of our sleds need premium to run like they are supposed to. Fact: Most vehicles need regular so finding fresh regular is not a problem. This makes fiding "good" premium a chore at best. My local and very busy station doesn't even have fresh premium. My sled tells me with the det and knock. Buy some from another place up north where there is a lot of snowmobile traffic buying premium and my sled is happy. Fresh e-10 works just fine, if it isn't and has had a chance to absorb water it is junk and burning regular which is usually fresh is better! Arctic Cat was on the right track making sleds the run on 87 octane. I even went so far as buying a lower compression twin pipe head for my 800 polaris and I still can't run regular without detonation but at least I can run "fresh" premium now and it runs great and I can run proper jetting. Everything is a trade off. Trail sleds running on regular would be the best or if gas stations would go to selling one fuel at 91+ octane would be good too.