Eurpoean Models Vs. GFS Models


New member
Alright John, I am wondering what the difference is between the 2? Do you go off GFS models or European models? Which one usually holds more confidence? I am seeing a eurpoean model showing a possiblity of a boat load of snow this weekend and the GFS model is showing less snow and different positioning of the snow. So can you explain how these 2 are so much different in comparisons? Thanks!


Staff member
There are a number of differences, mainly technical related and to tell you the honest truth, I do not even know all the differences as it is not really that important for me to know them all. One of the big differences is that the "initialized" set of data the model uses is much larger than other models like the GFS. Thus the number crunching the super computers do takes longer and results in the European model being available hours after other models. I do find it a very useful model to use.
