Every sled in Wisconsin and Michigan


New member
will be in the Keweenaw this weekend.

From the national weather service in regard to the lake effect snow warning:

"...Due To The Long Duration Of The Event Across Houghton And Keweenaw Counties...Expect Storm Totals Of1 To As Much As 2 Feet Of Snow Before The Snow Showers DiminishTuesday Morning..."

will be in the Keweenaw this weekend.

From the national weather service in regard to the lake effect snow warning:

"...Due To The Long Duration Of The Event Across Houghton And Keweenaw Counties...Expect Storm Totals Of1 To As Much As 2 Feet Of Snow Before The Snow Showers DiminishTuesday Morning...


It will look like rush hour in New York City up there.


New member
I'm not from wi or mi but i'll be heading up Next weekend..

Timing is everything. We have our annual trip UP next weekend as well. I'm sure it will be super busy but that's the way it goes. I think I know a guy who knows a guy who knows some spots to play tho! Thank goodness it has snowed, now the rough trail threads can start flying. Or even waiting for gas or food.

Personally I can't wait to see some friends we have gotten to know over the years who own bars, gas stations, cabins and such that could use the economic boost.
Patience will be running low from a few I'm sure. But we will have a BLAST! Just not sure if I take the Summit or the John Deere to ride?? We will see how deep the snow gets and then decide. My daughters just want some strudels from Krupps for souvenirs.


Well-known member
Yeah busy or not we still have our reservations. Don't want to cancel them again. I just take the good with the bad, still beats sitting at my house in illinois. We will probably get up very early in the am to ride and see how it goes. We are staying to ride monday and Tuesday so hopefully it slows down a touch then. Ride safe!


New member
If you check the WHOLE forecast, most of the lake areas of the norther U.P. will have good snow and even along Western Lower Michigan as well right down to southern Michigan along the big lake very close to mass population centers, so it is likely that a whole bunch of sledders will pay attention and spread out the traffic, saving some of the drive. In any event, anyone who wants to use their sleds can do so by this weekend and into next week. Winter has finally arrived....quietly!
If you check the WHOLE forecast, most of the lake areas of the norther U.P. will have good snow and even along Western Lower Michigan as well right down to southern Michigan along the big lake very close to mass population centers, so it is likely that a whole bunch of sledders will pay attention and spread out the traffic, saving some of the drive. In any event, anyone who wants to use their sleds can do so by this weekend and into next week. Winter has finally arrived....quietly!

Without a doubt...the new 5-10 day is looking better and better!!! Bring it on Old Man Winter!!!