extreme drought


Well-known member
I know not everyone is experiencing it but man has it been DRY, even the corn in the farmers fields leaves are reaching to the sky. I asked our landscaper if he has been keeping track of cutting our grass at the shop, I cut it once and he said he had only been here 4 times!!! its crazy to even think that we have only cut 5 times since grass started. Up where our seasonal trailer is there has been an over abundance of rain and its only 1 1/2 hour away...FRUSTRATING!!! Hopefully mother nature is storing up for winter at least and will unleash her fury in snowfall.


Well-known member
It is pathetically dry here as well. So far, I have measured a whopping .52 of rainfall for July so far. Darn near every front that has approached us has skirted south of the Keweenaw & moved east. We need rain badly, I just hope that we don't get inundated when we do get it as that will cause a whole other issue. I wish I knew how to do a rain dance. :) -Mezz


Well-known member
Yeah the yard at my house is as dry as it has been for at least the last 7 years. I've given up on it this year.

With that said, the little woman's yard in central Sconnie (Point area) is growing mushrooms its so wet! I've watched countless little cells pop up and run over her house, weird to say the least.


Well-known member
1.8 inches here last night.  Really dry before that.  This summer we have been dried up, then 3 inches of rain in one storm, dried up again, then 2 inches in one storm, dried up again and then yesterday 20% chance was all and ended up with 1.8 inches.  Pond across the road is still dried up.  Dried up last august.  Neighbor was driving the tractor and mower through the middle of it to cut the grass down....  


Active member
Ugly chance of a really bad storms from Twin Cities to Duluth heading Southeast this evening. Chance of 100 mph winds. Hope they're wrong, but we don't have that kind of luck. Everything that can be in the sheds will be in. Just throwing out a general warning to those that don't watch the weather as close as others. They're even talking mini tsunamis on the Southeast side of Lake Michigan. Really wish we could just get 2 to 3 days of nice rain, but mother nature has forgotten how to do that.


Well-known member
We had 9" rain around 3 week period here........so your welcomed to have some of mine.:grief:


Well-known member
Yeah the yard at my house is as dry as it has been for at least the last 7 years. I've given up on it this year.

With that said, the little woman's yard in central Sconnie (Point area) is growing mushrooms its so wet! I've watched countless little cells pop up and run over her house, weird to say the least.

Same at our trailer, we are in the woods so our site is pea gravel and its starting to look like a pennsylvania dutchmen mushroom farm as well, along with the white fuzz around the trunk of some trees


Well-known member
Brian last I heard we were 8+ inches below normal in rain probably 9+ by now. Constant 90sand no rain has parched lawns very brown and crunchy. I have my river pump going but impossible to water entire lot just too big. My lawn tractor isn’t getting used just occasionally mow areas I water. I believe in law of averages so maybe we’ll get lucky and have another epic snowfall this winter. This time I’ll drag you out of the store to ride with me. Lol


Well-known member
We have not gotten any real precipitation since last August, we get a quarter inch now and then but they seem to be a few weeks to a month apart. I have mowed my lawn only 3 times this season and if we don't get a good rain I will mow every 4 to 6 weeks. I talked to a friend that farms just outside of East Grand Forks and he said his edible beans are to far along so rain probably won't help. The sugar beets have a tap root that can go down up to 6 feet so there will be a crop but it may not be very good. Every long term forcast that I see calls for above average temps and below average precipitation, hopefully it will turn around by mid November


New member
Hey Bear, just got back from ND. Spent 10 days there with friends. 1800 miles on the bike, and yes the crops look bad. Only place where they might be a little o.k. is up aloong the border as the canola doesn't look too bad in spots north of Nekoma and Mountain.


Well-known member
We have not gotten any real precipitation since last August, we get a quarter inch now and then but they seem to be a few weeks to a month apart. I have mowed my lawn only 3 times this season and if we don't get a good rain I will mow every 4 to 6 weeks. I talked to a friend that farms just outside of East Grand Forks and he said his edible beans are to far along so rain probably won't help. The sugar beets have a tap root that can go down up to 6 feet so there will be a crop but it may not be very good. Every long term forcast that I see calls for above average temps and below average precipitation, hopefully it will turn around by mid November

Hello BR,
Saw a fella harvesting wheat near Thief River 60 miles east of you, is it possible he cut it early before it dies?
Seemed like 9 inches in height and dry as heck.

Additionally, on the drive to work this morning there were a dozen of about 60 beautiful orange red cattle broke fence and were eating the ditch.
I told the farmer and he said he's gonna kill them..headed to auction. Pastures look like crap..nothing to eat.



He cut it because he sprayed it with RoundUp about 10 days ago to get rid of the green. If it was old beet ground he got about 20 bushels to the acre.


Active member
Just drove from Seattle to st Germain via 94, Montana is in way worse shape in the drought category than North Dakota. Gotta say the eastern 2/3rd of ND looked pretty lush, western Montana had a pretty good smoke haze going on. Water everywhere in Minnesota!


New member
Just drove from Seattle to st Germain via 94, Montana is in way worse shape in the drought category than North Dakota. Gotta say the eastern 2/3rd of ND looked pretty lush, western Montana had a pretty good smoke haze going on. Water everywhere in Minnesota!

That's the southern part, the northern part of ND looks terrible.


Well-known member
We received a whole .17" / Wed night. To say we are exceptionally dry is putting it mild IMO. I realize there are areas here that have had what I would call decent rainfall, but not here and that isn't saying much as a whole. I've been putting off burning anything outdoors since spring. It would be nice to have a bon fire, but, it is too risky right now. I've got too much yard to water & it's crisp right now, he only green spots are near the pool & in the shaded areas. The only thing that needs cutting are the darn weeds! I wish the grass had that kind of survival capability! We all need a good long soaking. -Mezz