fall colors


New member
Whats your take on if the colors will be early or late? Planning some hikeing in a couple of weeks. Thanks John!


Staff member
I can't speak for all areas, but in my neck of the woods it looks like we are pretty close to being on schedule, meaning the peak to occur sometime between Oct 7 and Oct 14, perhaps towards the earlier time than late.

Right now about 20% changed up my way.



New member
Thanks, John. As of now I hope to work my way from The bridge north and West, heading accross the UP and down through Wisc.


Active member
Midwest Foliage Report (weekly)

Here's the twice-weekly (Wednesday & Saturday) Midwest Foliage Report, from The Foliage Network.

Unfortunately, as noted on the Foliage Network's home page:
Newsflash 4
<table class="contentpaneopen"> <tbody><tr><td valign="top">Due to a lack of foliage spotters, we regret that we will no longer be covering Delaware, Minnesota and Rhode Island.</td></tr></tbody> </table>
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I just went for a ride to Marquette today and colors are further along that way than here. I would have to agree with John saying we are still a 2-3 weeks or so from our peak.

It's getting colder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
