Fall colors


New member
i know this coldnt happen but if it did say it stays dark for like 5-6 days just night all the time like first week of september would all the leaves die off and this creating peak color the 2nd week of september.becuase i know the shorter days in main reason for colors turning color or if we had very cold temps for the first 2 weeks of september bewlow freezing eveyday would all the leaves die o ff


I really do not know what the effect of 5-6 days with no sunlight would be- other than to cause mass panic among the human population!

It is possible that the trees would go into an early dormancy, but it may just happen with the leaves turning brown, rather than having colors first. I really do not know. Very cold temps would probably have the same effect, brown, not colors.



New member
John - I am looking forward to seeing if you have more colors up by you since last journal, so hope you will be having pictues on the next post. Thanks.
