fire wood


New member
How's your fire wood holding up? Are you going to make it through this winter without buying more? How many cords have you gone through? It's been cold up there, at least in Bergland last week.


Staff member
I am getting down there, almost totally through the 5 cord that I got this past autumn. Still have about 2-3 cord left, so should make it through the bulk of the heating season, but may need a small load in April sometime.


just doo it

New member
After purchasing wood and keeping it burning, along with the boiler and the woodshed issues, are you saving enough $$ to justify getting away from propane?



Staff member
It hasn't paid for the up front cost of the boiler just yet, but we are getting close. I pay around 500-$700 for a years worth of heating, hot water and heating the pool. Propane would be triple that. Still worth the extra work, plus I still love the smell!
