(Oooo, did I just kill a bug?
I know of absolutely
NO drawbacks to the use of Mozilla's
Firefox browser, ditto for Mozilla's
Thunderbird email manager. (And you can't beat the price: FREE!)
Unless you count the fact that MSIE seems to handle the
Michigan Tech live action (motion) webcams a tad better.
Other than that,
Firefox is A-One for me.
Ditto to that as well!
There are only a few minor differences in the operation of
Open Office vs.
MS Office, and it's no worse that learning the totally new interface and new behavior of MS Office on each new release!
I have a number of large spreadsheet apps in
Open Calc as well, 'tis only a minor learning curve.
"Some long midnites installing Firefox?"
Heck no, give it twenty minutes or less, and it'll be installed and working.
You may have to spend a bit more time selecting your choice of add-ons, but you can find lots 'o help at the Mozilla web site, like a list of the most popular add-ons end such. Here's a short list:
Adblock Plus, Dictionary Search, Image Zoom, SmoothWheel. <HR SIZE=2 width="75%">Added 6:55 PM MST:
By the way, I just updated my
Open Office to version 3.2 today. Now
that was a slow process, it took 1 hour + 10 minutes to download the update, and another 40 minutes to install, and I'm getting 1.18Mb/s downloads this afternoon on Cox cable (I guess I picked a slow day, it's usually more like 12-20Mb/s).