First group of touring sleds


New member
I have my first group of ACTION TOURING SLEDS up from St. Charles IL. this week !! We are going to ride NW WI from Boulder JCT! johns_cam_003.jpg !cid_7B0055D4688043C282935B9C8A960F51@ironmike.jpg !cid_706922807DA64662BD32615DD490BCB4@ironmike.jpg P3060809.jpg latest%202009%20092.jpg


New member
They are old pics,date stamped on some of them ! Will post pics from this weekend rides ! Trout lake froze over last night and the trails where white and got better NW up towards Island Lake, Montreal,Pence ! We didn't ride any lakes yet due to thin ice conditions. rode the 05 Rage cause of the lean snow conditions DSC00772.jpg


New member
!cid_7A4E921C-4AE1-44B3-9762-556B52137987.jpg Still there,called JJS PUB&GRUB now ! Boulder to PI and NW in Wis. were thin but rideable,not very much traffic,everybody watching the Pack lose !! 2011-12-18_12-47-01_931.jpg