fish smell



how do people get the fish smell off their hands after cleaning fish. I like catching , cleaning and eating fish but hate the smell on my hands afterwards. I had some rubber gloves in the past and that worked the best. I have tried everything and salt seems to work a little but the stink bothers me


Well-known member
I use Mr Clean with febreze in it works great. Then I wash with a regular bathroom soap and no smell. I just had it sitting on the counter and it worked great.


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New member
hey if tomato juice is supposed to remove skunk smell it may work on your fish hands and be much more safe then chemicals Good luck !!! :eek:


New member
Lemon or Lime. Squeeze a natural lemon, or lime in you hands. Has worked for me with sea food. I normally just clean the fish, then use a little dish soap to clean up the board, steel, and knife. By the time I am done it is not too bad.


New member
lenny your getting old!don't you remember when the smell of fish on your hands was a good thing? Try using toothpaste and then lava soap and water !


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At one time i had a piece of stainless steel shaped like a soap bar.
It really did work, but no idea what ever happened to it.


New member
Cabelas does have that silver soap that is supposed to work. I went to Wally World and bought plastic disposable gloves. That works the best for me. I've used the salt trick, and that helps, but doesn't get it off. Dawn works pretty well too, but still the stink stays.

Disposable gloves. I think they were $2 for 50 pairs or something. Best way to go.



New member
Amway (no, I don't sell it, but I like the products) has a product called L.O.C. (Liquid Organic Cleaner) that works very well. I've used it for years. Actually does the skunk thing very well also.


New member
The reason why citrus works is because it is acidic, and cider vinegar works well too.

Another thing that works well is kerosene, and sand...then wash with lava soap to get the kerosene smell off.

If you find some good fish cleaning gloves, they protect from the smell, and the hand, if you are lousy with the knife...and that is nice to know if you slip.

For the ultimate hand cleaner that works on everything from paint tar, to axle grease and more...I have found that Stockhausen, Inc. out of Greensboro North Carolina (1-800-334-0242) makes something called Cupran Special

It can be ordered on-line, by googling it. Buy a case of this and I can tell you that you can forget about the rest of the hand cleaners you is that good. Not very expensive if you split a case with a friend or family member and it lasts a long time since you don't need much for it to do the job.


I bought a box of the disposable gloves. last night I cought 15 nice rock bass and cleaned them, without gloves and yuk, I hate that smell.


Yep, Stainless Steel. That's what my Grandpa, Dad, and all his buddies use(d). Amazing how rubbing stainless steel will remove the smell.

use toothpaste. i use it after i clean salmon and to me they stink as bad or worse than any other fish . lather it up and rinse off , works great.


Well-known member
I agree with revman, Dawn Dish soap works well. Disposable gloves work to keep the stank off your hands, then you have that nasty smell in your garbage not to mention, it's a tad harder to hang onto the fish while you fillet it with gloves on. The other thing I do is put the remaining fish parts into a freezer bag & freeze it till garbage day. Nothing worse than that stank on a warm or hot day in the garbage.-Mezz