Fletchers pond


Hillman,Mi? If so yes many times good Bass and Pike fishing lot's of stumps & weeds, I camp at Jacks landing- good times.


Never been in the spring I alway's go middle of summer(camp) do good then. I've ice fished it too and had good luck, But like all lake's sometimes it can be tough. you never know unless you go, Let me know how you do.


New member
take extra sheer pins very shallow in some spots.We had a place right off of 32 heading to Atlanta.Hall road and Pleasant Valley Rd .miss it up there good time, have fun as fightercat said Jack's is a good place :)


New member
man it was cold but we caught some big arse bass though ill post pics later
had a great time really nice people up there

Chaunceys pub in hillman excellent friday night fish fry,oh i got to see the shoe tree BTW.
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New member
4 1/2 gold thunder stick by storm it was the slayer that day,caught 2 pike 24 inchers was hoping for more pike but just wernt bitting.