Fluke year? Or pattern?


New member
John, I was wondering if there is any pattern in snowfall that has shown itself in past years, decades, or centuries? What I mean is in past large snowfall total years, are they usually followed by another snowy year or two? I guess that we(southern WI.) has just been lucky as to have been hit with lots of storms when in past years it seems that they miss us just to the north or south. I believe that our average snowfall for the season is in the low 30" range. So far we are at 86.7" for the season, breaking the all time seasonal record back in the early part of Feb. With 4-8" forecasted for tomorrow, I believe that we will maybe hit the 100" mark this season, WOW! All this without any long warmups or complete melts since the beginning of December. Just wondering what your take is on this for the future year, or years to come.



There is no way to tell. There have been time periods when several years in a row provided cold and snowy conditions and there have been the one hit wonders. I guess only time will tell what this case is. Hope you have enjoyed this winter though. Record breakers do not come along too often!
