forcast paying good these days ehh


New member
in 2 yrs time 1 new house 3 new sleds 1 new baby 2 new vehicles i lost track did i miss anything congrats on all john rims make truck look sharp

Deleted member 10829

Not that John needs any defending, but I will any way. :) First, he had a house that he sold and upgraded like we all do, plus he did a lot of the labor himself on the house. Of the 3 new sleds, 2 have been promotional sleds from Route 12 and the Yamaha he sold before this snow season. The Blazer was a decent truck, but an upgrade was in order for the new baby. And finally, have you seen 'Ol Blue? I think John more than deserved to upgrade that truck and a good used truck is much cheaper than buying a new one!

Let's not forget that Nora has a good job too! I know you were having some fun with John and I couldn't resist having some fun too.


Staff member
You forgot two new dogs!

But really, the current house we are in was paid for when we moved in (4 years ago, not 2). We saved for many years and did all of the building ourselves (except for drywall and roof). So lots of saving and lots of sweat equity = no house payments.

No house payments helped us save even more the past few years. Also have been one to not carry credit card debit.

The only sleds I have paid for were the Yamaha and the 09 M8. I sold the Yamaha and used the money from it to buy the M8 last spring, so in reality, only one new sled purchase in the past 4 years.

Plus, maybe the 16 hour days have something to do with it!

The job pays well, but I put in more hours per day than anyone I know and have tried to be smart with my finances.



New member
Great job John. The single biggest thing you said was NO DEBT! I am on my way there, and couldn't be happier. You can make a low paying job go really far when you have no debt. Everyone should take a lesson from you, stop complaining about having no money when they actually have plenty, and get out of debt. Life changes dramatically.


John- It is great to hear success stories from hard work. Being debt free must be awesome.

mxz chris- I am on my way to being debt free as well and I am looking forward to it. The only things I have left are my house and student loans. The sad thing is my student loan payments are larger than my house payments. And no, I did not use my student loans to buy things or go on trips. It was the actual cost of my education.


New member
quad steer?

I dont think John or anyone else for that matter should have to justify how he spends he spends his money or how much he makes with others. One thing I will say is I saw "old blue" last year and on offense to you John, But that baby was lookin ROUGH! Thats a lot longer than i could have ever kept a truck!(which is why your debt free and im not!) The new truck looks sweet but i had question? Did you want the quad steer? I know nothing about it, but was just curious if it was an option you wanted or didnt really matter? Whats the benefit?


Staff member
I did not take it that attack_06 was telling me how to spend my money, just observing that there have been some capital expenditures lately and congratulating me. I must also add that business has been good, but ever since I started my own company, I have always make my services very reasonable. Figure it is better to be as recession-proof as possible, than live high on the hog for a while and then wonder where my next meal will come from.

Just as a side note, I never will forget when I first started working on my own. I got off the "El" at Depaul University in Chicago to walk home to my apartment and there was a Demon Dog hot dog stand just below the train platform. They smelled so good, but I actually did not have enough money to even buy a hot dog! I had food at home that was paid for, so I was not starving or destitute, but things were so tight I was budgeted down to the last dime to make ends meet. Never wanted to live like that again.


I did not buy the truck because of the quad steer. I did do some research to make sure it was not a problem with those makes and models. From what I was told there were no issues with that feature and you can turn it on or off as you need it. The main selling point to me for the vehicle was the crew cab and the immaculate shape of the vehicle.



Staff member

Looks like it is spoken for. Sorry!

Blazer is for sale though! :)



New member

I think you weren't justifying your lifestyle in your reply to the 1st post..... but please never,never,never do justify have worked very hard in your life to get to this point and have been very gracious to allow the whole world to invade your life, it takes a special person to be so open to others as you have been.......please never feel you have to explain to any of us your lifestyle.

On a side note, I bumped into a old friend of your from Lake Geneva, I shared with him your story and we was "wowed" ......I told him to contact you through this site...hope he did.


New member
I would say by the looks of ol' blue John's on a tight budget!.... No just joking, you seem to being doing well and i have told many friends about your story.


You said in the Big City, you worked for or worked with a meteorologist, you need spell check on this site. Which one did work for or work with? Was it Skillet head or any of the news outlets or NWS for the airports?

I know exactly the hot dog vendor down by the L, near the school. Its amazing how good those regurgitated leftovers smell and taste when they come from the roach coaches.

Congrats on all your success and hope to see it continue.


Staff member

I have only worked for myself (other than a brief stint with the NWS in Washington DC) as a meteorologist. Sorry for the confusion.



New member
Congrats on all your success and hope to see it continue. It's nice to see good people succeed.


Staff member
There will be a couple in the journal.

Stay tuned.

It's a sweet ride!
