forcast today?


New member
i keep checking too

i was wondering if he is not feeling well or just running the models one more time. Accuweather has removed the snow icon for next week in the far western i am real curious.


I did receive mine today via email. Maybe there was problem posting it or he just missed it with all the other duties that he has each day.


New member
Not like there's anything to get excited about for at least a week.

Right on!! I'm sure John's just sick of all this sun and warm in November. Nothing worse than the low in the sky sun being right in your eyes all day!!! I hate it.. I'm ready for overcast and snowy coldness...


Staff member

It was my fault... mostly. I did try and upload everything and had some issues, so put it off to try again and then got busy and forgot. :eek:

Just need to get back into the swing of things and remember to update things.

I did just update everything- better late than never, I guess.



New member
Thanks John! You have a great site and you do a wonderful job! Your site is one of the first things I check each morning!

Keep up the good work!