Forecast Graphic Problem Again?


New member

Today's 4cast text is updated but I'm still seeing Friday's graphic on my PC with Google Chrome.

My phone with the Android op system is showing today's graphics.



Staff member
Not sure why, the code to clear the cashe for the page is still there. That is really weird how the phone is ok, but your PC is not updating.

I sure wish I new more (one would think I should running a website!), but am at a loss.

Anyone have ideas?



Active member
I don't typically have the issue, but I did this morning. Had to re-fresh when I hit the Text page. Then re-fresh again when I hit the graphics page. Worked for me.


Staff member
Any time I hit refresh it takes me back out to the Home page.

If you hit F5, it should just refresh the frame with the forecast in it. Also, you can right click on the page and choose to refresh the frame.



Staff member
Right clicking you should get an option. Depending on browser, it may not say refresh. I just tried on Chrome and it says "Reload frame". On Firefox, it says "frame" and then you click on that and are given an option to refresh the frame. I don't know about IE, as I avoid that like Ebola. :)

If you are not getting that option when right clicking, about the only thing I can say would be update to the latest browser edition.



New member
When I'm in the graphic and right click I don't get the same as you. I'm running the latest version of Chrome. Will email you a screenshot of what I get....roundfile it if you want!

The graphics are now current. Don't know what or if you did anything.....but it works now! :)