Forecast Graphic Time Period


New member

the extended 5-10 day forecast graphic is not very clear in the totalling.....does that graphic represent the TOTALS expected for the 1-10 day range from the day its posted(basically an overlay from the 4 graphics above), OR, do the totals represent snowfall expected AFTER the 4 day graphics above, but within 10 days (5-10 days AWAY from today).

Can you clarify please?


New member
It says right on the graphic- "For the period January 7th-12th. So, it would be 5-10 days out from current. JD always posts the dates he's referring to in the 5-10 day.


New member
OK, so then its a 6 day forecast starting on the date shown on the graphic right? Not the 5-10 days thats referred to?


New member
Oh...I see what you're saying. Yea, I guess the 7th-12th would be a 6 day forecast. As JD mentions often, can't put a ton of faith in a long range forecast like that as it's tough to predict that far in advance, but his 1-5 day forecast is usually spot on. He is the most accurate I've seen. Hopefully the 5-10 graphic come to fruition. Based on what he's seeing on his end, the potential for some big time LES is in the makingwithin the next week to 10 days. Keep up the great work John, and thanks for all you do!!

Marty P

New member
It is still only a five day forecast -

7:00 a.m. 1/7/11 to 7:00 am 1/8/11 (#1)

7:00 a.m. 1/8/11 to 7:00 am 1/9/11 (#2)

7:00 a.m. 1/9/11 to 7:00 am 1/10/11 (#3)

7:00 a.m. 1/10/11 to 7:00 am 1/11/11 (#4)

7:00 a.m. 1/11/11 to 7:00 am 1/12/11 (#5)