Forecast Snow vs. Rain Warm fronts?


New member

Is it much easier to forecast rain/ approaching warm ups than too forecast snow/ snow storms and there potential track?

It seems that every time we have a potential for a good dumping of snow (LM) it never develops but when the forecast for rain and warm temps come in the weather guys are 90% spot on?


New member
I'll add one comment to your question. When the forecast is for rain I am generally not paying so much attention to whether it's 0.25 or 0.50 inches where-as we all are looking close at how much snow, so it seems to me that in general we are really looking deeper into the details with the snow forecasts which may be part of it?


Staff member
It is more difficult to forecast snow. First you have the concern of if it is going to be snow or rain and secondly, like scottd said, most folks do not pay attention to how much rain falls. It either rains or not, but just about every snow lover will pay very close attention to exactly how much snow falls.
