Forecasting for Flatlanders heading west?


New member
John, as the departure nears for my group and yours do you see any long range hope for a weather pattern change that would put big smiles on our faces? Or are we looking at a grim outlook for the first week in March? I know its still a few weeks off, but I know you are thinking about it as much as I!


Staff member
Hi Willey

Typically this sort of thing is against the rules, but I guess there are more than a handful of persons that come to this board that have some trips out west planned in the next month or so.

So... The way things look right now is that it will be fairly quiet for the next 3 days, with any snows being light (1-4") events. Then by around Sunday and again Tuesday of next week, systems look to roll through the Rockies. Most of the energy and moisture looks to take a southerly route, which is good for UT, CO and northern AZ/NM, but not so good for WY and ID. Still some snows could occur in WY and ID, but to the tune of a few inches. By the end of next week and or following weekend, a flow in off the Pacific could start pumping moisture into the northern Rockies and set the stage for some decent snows. Also in the 11-16 day period, the pattern looks pretty good for snows across the northern and central Rockies.



New member

Is this against the rules because the question was directed specifically to you and your expertise? I did not intend to break the rules of the forum. In the future I will be more mindful.



Staff member
Just the rule about specific forecast questions. I would love to be able to answer them, but if I go that route, it would be all I could do to answer them 24/7/365!

I just made note of it in my post to show why I did it in this instance. No biggy!

Let's hope for snow, but not too much of a good thing! I did pick up an Avy Backpack, but would rather not have to use it!



New member

I hope you don't need the pack either, but anyone riding in the mountains this year can surely use all the safety gear that is available. Thanks again for your forecast and cheers to safe and enjoyable trip for your group and mine! Now March 2nd can just get here already!



New member
heading out there on the 23rd and your forecast looks promising for the area right know! fingures are crossed! One of our guides will be "Lefty".