Forest County, WI Trail info?????


New member
Hello, yesterday I asked about the Mole Lake Casino & Lodge (I'll still take as much feedback as I can get), today I'm looking for any info on the Forest County Trails, anyone been out on them yet, or got any suggetions for a good eats/watering hole. Or anything to know, like a gas station on a trail is closed or anything, leaving in 6 days?? I gotsta know?? Thanks! -Karen


New member
Im goin up there this weekend a good place to eat is the waters edge on lake lucerne, but I have not been up there yet this year but some guys told me the trails are good but the lakes are slush. Not sure about any closed trails


New member
I just rode Oconto and Forest trails yesterday. They are in great shape. I rode through Mole Lake yesterday. The trails are very winding in and out of Mole Lake. The casino looked packed! However there are many inter connecting trails. The trails are very well marked and groomed. We had one trails that was alittle rough, the rest were great. In terms of places to stop, there are plenty along the trial, look at the back of the trail map. We stopped at T-Bob's in Laona for lunch, new big place with good food.

Pizza Man

New member
Like Doug said, go to the Forest County Web Site.
It will answer all your questions.
I thought I answered them when you posted the first time.