Free Legal Forms


New member
I have been searching for free legal forms, a Living will, and a will form, and when I get them filled out, they want money at the end. They all say free when I start. Anyone know of a Free sight? Thanks, Mike


New member
Here is a good living will that is designed for the laws of YOUR state. You will have to join and "experience the benefits of membership" but then cancel when you get the paperwork and it costs you nothing.

Please note that each state have requirements that should the will be tested, makes for much easier time and avoid getting the document thrown out, in court.

If nobody contests it, you can write one yourself.


New member
you can try and go to the library and they may have them to also the post office may have some of them to not sure on line ones will hold up in court as most of them have to have a notary and witnesses present good luck with this hope you find them


New member
Got the living will form from the DR. The will form is still eluding me. I am a care giver to my 77 year old neighbor, he has little left and no friend's alive, sad but its how it is. I feed him, take him to all his docktors appt.. My wife and I do what we can, his old will lists only his pasted away friends and realitives. So now what? Never have been in this spot before. He is a nice crabby old guy, with many medical issues. He wants to get his stuff in order, its a simple thing as there is not much too argue over. And no one to will it to. I will check out the other site. I took him up to Crabby Jacks friday to see his old waitris that used to wait on him and his buddy's. They used to have 10 chairs reserved daily, all haved passed away. Getting old is not what I used to think.