Free Ticket to the Milwaukee Snow Show!


Because there is no good sports to watch currently in Chicago. Baseball teams are hitting the golf course soon and the Bears are well, the Bears.

Pizza Man

New member
I just recieved a card promoting Ski-Doo and the Milwaukee Snow Show.
Attached is a free ticket to the show.
You also have to fill out the card and turn it into a Ski-doo dealer so your club gets $10.


New member
I need a free ticket because it would help offset the Mi trail permit increase, I don't want to be left out in the cold this year by just getting to ride along side the trails and not on them. And I want an excuse to take the Lake Express ferry boat over to the land of Harleys and beer. (ps. my cab drivers name will be Auuckmeed for sure).


Super Moderator
Staff member
I've never been to a Snow Show where I didn't buy something. (Whether I needed it or not)

Anybody else?

Last year it was a nice aluminum track stand, the year before I found a deal on insurance. I guarantee that at least one vendor will sell me something with my free ticket to the show.


New member
Here's why I deserve a free ticket to the snow show. Almost 20 years ago, a friend of mine asked if I wanted to go north with him to snowmobile and I agreed. That was the year of my first snow show and before I bought my first sled (OK - AFTER putting a tree up the middle of one of his!). Of course, that was when the show was still in Grayslake (Lake Co IL). There is something about the show to really set the mood for the season. Over the years since then, I've only missed a few, bought two more sleds and ridden thousands of miles. Almost two years ago, I lost my job but thought I would get hired back within a couple months. Well, last fall after being off for nearly a whole year, my better-half and I decided we needed to generate some cash so we decided to sell our two sleds and trailer with hopes that we would be back in the sport when times got better. Seeing the sleds and trailer go was very difficult and I felt that a real part of me was being stripped away. I must say I fought off the tears! Well, this last Spring I finally did get hired back and things are looking better. It is my intent to go north this year and rent a sled. However, I need some new gear and I know that the show is a great place to replenish the worn-out stuff. Going to the snow show will be a great day and will make me feel like I am back in the swing of things. Like I said, there's nothing like it! I would really appreciate being selected to win the free ticket. Thanks and THINK SNOW!


The money I planned to use for the snow show all went to your illinois toll system and beer. therfore i have no money left to get into the snow show.

Pit Grunt

I need tickets so I can help people make up there minds on the best deals out there. I can lead them to the best sled and clothing they will need to have a safe snowmobiling season. Safety is the most important part of the ride.. WE RIDE GROUP!!!!!!!!!!

Team Elkhorn

My son is getting married that Friday with the reception Friday night. What kind of a snowmobiler gets married on the weekend of the snowmobile show?! :mad: So my wife and I are gonna skip out on the big breakfast Saturday morning, (probably hungover) :p, head home to drop the doggies off, then head to the snowmobile show early. I think the newly married couple are going Sunday.