Fruit Flies in November???


Since the wife is making lasagna for deer camp, I decided to wash the windows of our house. Set my mug of beer down for 5-10 minutes and when I got back, it was full of fruit flies. We got to 68 degrees today here in Northern Michigan. It probably was 8 years ago or so when we had above knee height snow during opening week of deer season @ Sidnaw.


Active member
Since the wife is making lasagna for deer camp, I decided to wash the windows of our house. Set my mug of beer down for 5-10 minutes and when I got back, it was full of fruit flies. We got to 68 degrees today here in Northern Michigan. It probably was 8 years ago or so when we had above knee height snow during opening week of deer season @ Sidnaw.

I get those little buggers around my beer tapper even in the dead of winter, if it is above freezing. I'm not sure if they are actually fruit flies or not. Little tiny brown bugs that look an awful lot like a fruit fly?? But man, they sure are hardy little things!


Well-known member
They come in through the drain system, they seem to be attracted to the food particles that get washed down the drain. Clean your drains with some good drain cleaner, then put some baking soda & vinegar in the drains, even in the bathroom sink(s), problem should clear.-Mezz


New member
They are in the drain for sure that is where they bread and feed. Pour drain cleaner down the drain and then rinse well and then our bleach down the drain and let it sit for 20 min to kill anything.