

New member
Hello John, Is there anyway to purge or delete sold or dorment listings? I have asked a couple of guys about
different atv's and such and they respond back saying ,"oh.. that sold a long time ago...
Just a question I had,

Great sight by the way...



Board Admin
Greg, yes they can be removed and I do go in every once in a while and delete the older ones. It would be easier if everyone would remove their own when the item gets sold but that doesn't happen very often. When I get some time I will go in and clean them up again.



Staff member
I share in your frustration. Seems to me that since I ask nothing in return for folks being able to put an item up for sale on the site that the least they could do would be to show a little responsibility and at least indicate that the item has been sold in the thread.

I suppose we could just see about instigating a 30 day policy that would automatically remove any post with no activity, but that could cause it's own set of problems.

It would be nice if more folks took more responsibility these days.



Active member
John - I listed and Sold a sled last Fall on here. I updated it as sold because I was unable to delete the orig For Sale post. I just did a search and still unable to remove because no straight forward instructions that will work. I'm not the only one. I tried to be responsible :)


Staff member
Thanks chords.

I have no problem with just putting sold at the bottom of the thread. I don't think it's too much to ask for folks to check the bottom of a thread to see if it has been sold or not. Responsibility is a two way street! :)



Board Admin
If your in your thread you should see administrative at the top, click on that and you will have the option to delete. If you don't see this let me know, but i was able to do this when I tested it.

delete picture.JPG


New member
I have had the same issue with not being able to delete. Folks at minimum mark it as sold so Paul can quickly sort them out. Thanks for the classifieds John, I have sold 3 sleds and tons of other items on your site.