Full Moon temps


New member
Hey John,

Over the years I have noticed we often get substantially colder temperatures in the nights and days surrounding a Full Moon.

Is there any scientific evidence that supports this, & if so, are there any meteorological explanations about why it happens?

When I plan trips several months in advance I often pick dates with a Full Moon & it's always treated us well.


Staff member
I suspect just coincidence. The moon is not going to have any impact on temps on earth.



Maybe it could have something to do with a clear sky. When you notice the full moon, the sky is clear. It commonly gets colder at night with no clouds. Just a thought.


New member
My grandpa was a farmer and the old saying when their is a full moon it is the coldest part of the mo. I think it seems to hold true.( For what it is worth.)


Staff member
The idea of clear skies allowing the viewing of the moon and temp drop could most certainly play a role.
