Fun On The Trail


Well-known member
Naw, I came ripping south on Trail 3 between Mass City & BC & I saw this furry head buried in the snow. So I hit the binders & went back & dug this rascal out of the snow & propped him up. Everytime somebody rode by I would act like I was tossing a stick for my new pup & after many riders swerved they came back to see what was up? Soon had a crowd laughing & snapping pictures.


You just couldn't stay off the trail until 12/15 could you Whitey? Nothing like youthful exhuberance. Minus the youth.


Well-known member
Fusion: that was from last year just thought I would try to post #1 picture that was fun. My youthful exhuberance minus the youth comes when I chase wild turkeys. My rules of trail are to stop whenever we come on wild turkeys let me get off my sled chase turkeys around see if I can catch one. Buds pay me $100ea. if I catch one. So far the turkeys are winning but my buds laugh themselves to tears & who knows I might just get one & an easy $


So I take it that coyote was dead and frozen in the snow? I've spent the last six hours trying to figure that one out. Cool picture.


Well-known member
Fusion: Frozen like a rock & well preserved like it was refridgerated. Saw the head & dug the rest out of the snow then set up on side of trail & the rest of the prank just flowed. I have more pictures I can post as other people got in on the fun if you want to see them. Most riders that came by stopped or made big swerve when they saw my frozen puppy ready to jump them. Pretty funny all in all know how it is on the trail crazy stuff just happens & a little imagination anything is possible. Just like the turkey bet. I don't know why...... I just jumped off my sled & started chasing the turkeys around....Seemed like a good idea at the time. Pretty safe bet for my buds but never know when we will come a long a fat complacent turkey:) I'm still good for 75 to 100 foot dash. lol