If you are on facebook, then you heard about the bra color stunt... Here is our version! This just went out to over 500 facebook folks... spread it to yours and play along!
"Hi Fellow Sledder,
It is our turn to take over Facebook. BkBoatnSleds.com wants to help spread the word and fever of snowmobiling. Snowmobiling has been a thread in so many of our lives and we want to share that with the world. We want you to join us in our quest to make a statement. We ask that you post your snowmobile’s engine size as your face book status. Here is an example….Douglas Hein 440. We have sent this email to all of our fans so please pass it on to any snowmobiler that you know. But the key is to not spill the beans when someone asks….”whats with your status?”
Please join us in the fun and lets see what kind of attention we can get!
Thanks for all the support and lets take this one for a real ride! BRRAAAAAPPPP!!
Mike & Doug
Bk Boat n Sleds.com"
"Hi Fellow Sledder,
It is our turn to take over Facebook. BkBoatnSleds.com wants to help spread the word and fever of snowmobiling. Snowmobiling has been a thread in so many of our lives and we want to share that with the world. We want you to join us in our quest to make a statement. We ask that you post your snowmobile’s engine size as your face book status. Here is an example….Douglas Hein 440. We have sent this email to all of our fans so please pass it on to any snowmobiler that you know. But the key is to not spill the beans when someone asks….”whats with your status?”
Please join us in the fun and lets see what kind of attention we can get!
Thanks for all the support and lets take this one for a real ride! BRRAAAAAPPPP!!
Mike & Doug
Bk Boat n Sleds.com"