Fussy Baby


New member
Hey John,

My daughter is five months and my wife and I went through the same thing. Tough. We found that symilac sensitive (orange) really helped with the gas and stopped her from spitting up a lot. Mylacon is also a life saver and it is safe for infants.


Thanks dooski.

We just started her on that last night. Talked to the Dr. today and he said we are doing everything right and he believes the new formula will help a lot, but may take a week to be fully realized.

Hoping for the best for our little girl!

Take care.



New member
One thing that helped with my little guy was Dr. Brown's bottles. They have a straw and valve type system that helps the baby to not get air bubbles while they're feeding. They're a bit pricey and lots of parts to clean, but it did the trick more than switching formulas. worth every penny.


New member
Get some triple paste (also pricey but well worth it) while you are at it. We use it daily to avoid diaper rash. Best product we've found and we tried them all. Little guy suffered for weeks until we found it.


New member
I remember those days.......and yes even though they seem tough you will miss them...
From an empty nester.


New member
oops I've got a P.S. for you,
buy a copy of the book Baby Wise,
we sent up our 4th with this sleep/eat schedule,
and he is the most content little guy I've ever seen,
God Bless


New member
Our (now 4 year old) had the same issue. It manifested itself when my wife was breast feeding. She found that if she drank milk, then the baby was very fussy. She switched to soy milk and, just like that it helped.

So when she quit breast feeding what did we do?? Started the baby on milk based formula!! You'd think that 2 college educated people would have known to use soy based, but we must have had brain lock.. after a couple of weeks we finally figured it out and switched, and again the fussiness turned off like a light switch.

All kids are different, but that was our experience.
