Future Hunting Change Perhaps!!!!


New member
It's a question of tradition versus availability as the DNRE discusses changing opening day of firearm deer season.

Director Rebecca Humphries says there's been some debate about changing opening day to a weekend because that's when more hunters are available.

But for many, Nov. 15 isn't just a day, it's a tradition.

Reports show that the number of hunters is gradually dropping and the economy is likely to blame.

Though some hunters say the baiting ban has a lot to do with it.


New member
Thunder....tradition though very important, can take a backseat to the income the DNR is losing to so many that no longer have a hunting camp and hunt from home.

The big traffic jams for the rush north are gone, at least like the days of the 50's, 60's and 70's were in comparison. Mostly I think due to a bunch of factors which all add up to fewer hunters.

Hunting used to be very big business as nearly everyone went hunting and only 3 generation city dwellers didn't "get it". It was a time to congregate in deer camp which could be a camper, or tent, motel, or shanty in the woods. Family and friends got together and had a great time and saw lots of deer up in the great northern sections of our state. You had to drive for hours to get there in sometimes bad road conditions and then sleepy towns roared awake with noisy hunters who dropped lots of money and could not wait to get there to do it.

With the gradual movement of deer to the south combined with over feeding, over hunting, disease basically removing any hunting of predator during the deer hunt, along with greater cost to travel, an ever more worrisome economy and general demand for time and restrictions on time off from work all add up to a change.

For many who never experienced deer camp I can only say that it was very unique and for the most part more about comradery and family who, in some cases only saw each other over this short period of time, will never know what this was like.

The DNR is seeing the money pile drop off substantially and are fast approaching desperation in trying to slow the leakage. If that means they think that more would participate on a saturday opener, like the panzies opted for in Wisconsin, years ago, then they are NOW going to yield to that pressure where they resisted for the sake of "tradition" in past efforts to change the opener.

The older you get the more you realize that NOTHING stays the same....and that change is inevitable....and on a lighter note....wasn't those days of old...somethin???

Drivin the U.P. and seeing the old shacks and hunting shanties with roofs fallen in and that once were a "work in progress" is always a mornful thing to see...once a vibrant place for a short time in the late fall, and now over and done with likely forever.

Live it like it is your last....people.


Active member
anonomoose, now you got me missin the old day's, it was tradition in my family, when I was young I couldn't wait to go to Deer Camp, I remember in the 60's my Mom, Grandma, and Aunts baking and cooking to get food ready to go, and the stories that were told, who got one, who missed, and who got lost. It was a a great time, we stopped going north in 93, everyone got to busy to take time to hunt execpt for one or two day's down here. Tis' a sad thing


New member
A younger perspective...

Well, being only 35, I cant talk of good times thru the 60's, 70's, heck even most of the 80's, but growing up in metro Detroit my family had a hunting camp up near Fife Lk, MI.
From the time I was about 12 I would get to take the first week of season off from school and go to camp with my Dad. (who of course has hunted his whole life) Those were great times. I saw uncles and cousins and family friends that you only got to see if you went to camp. Deer hunting was only part of the adventure. This was the tradition until deaths of uncles and cousins who owned shares of the land forced the camp to be sold. I was in my early 20's at that time and couldn't take on such a financial burden as to take it over.
The stories, the fun, the traditions, the memories. It didn't matter what day of the week the 15th was on!!
I agree with you guys. Times have changed, and not for the better.

I guess it might be easier for people with no time off who want to hunt to have the opener on like the second or third Saturday of November. Doesn't really matter to me these days, as I only go to camp to play cards and tell lies. As far as the economy goes. I now live just north of Harrisville, MI, one of the worst off areas of the state right now. I can see the poor economy and ridiculous DNR deer management has caused a smaller number of hunters to travel to our area. We appreciate the folks who are here this week. The bars, restaurants, motels and stores are quite busy, but its nowhere near what it was even five years ago.
I Hope our great state recovers soon with the help of our new leadership, but only time will tell....