Gade XP hard to steer


New member
I have a 2008 Renegade 600SDI. 4400 miles and love it when going straight. At about 3000 miles I wore through and ruined the right side Pilot 5.7 ski. Instead of getting just one new one I installed a set of USI X2 Triple Threat Skis. Since then it has been very hard to steer in tight trails. I hoped it would get better when I wore off some of the carbide and hard plastic edges but it has not. Off trail, in loose snow and when going straight I love them more than the pilots...but am tired of being sore trying to muscle it in tight trails.

I have the stock risers straight up and down as I like to stand and the limiter strap as loose as it will go. I just measured and am toed in 1/4". No accidents or tight tie rod ends or anything. Picked.

Has anyone encountered this or have an idea other than the obvious(sell the Usi's and go back to stock?)


New member
My brother put the x2 triple threats on his yamaha nitro xtx. He had to take ski pressure off because the skis are more aggressive than his stock skiis were. It made a big difference in steering and darting.


New member

I love that they do not dart at all...but I need some start a regiment of HGH if I continue the way I am going. I was just looking on the USI website at their power steering plates....I don't remember these when I bought them...maybe this is something new.


New member
The steering plates are suppose to work. Are you using the studboy shaper carbides. Those skiis are really good off trail. There are different fins you can get for the back of skiis.


New member

I am running the studboy carbides they sold me...I think they reccommended 10 inch because of the picks.


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If you lighten ski pressure it will make a big difference. You definitely have to get use to them. We need to pray to snow gods. It suppose to rain this weekend. Yuck :(


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I had the USI PX301's on my 06 gade and then put them on my XP Gade. I loved how they were off trail. ON trail they tracked great with no darting, but turing, especially at slow speeds was a bear. I did alot of adjustmen swith shocks/limiter straps trying to find the best on/off trail combo but never could completly get rid of the hard turning. Eveyone that rode it complained about it as well. This is what I did:

1. Went to the Gym. This helped with more than just turning
2. Took them off and went to 6.9 Pilots. These are way better tan the USI's. Sled is easier to turn, almost as easy as the 5.7's, tracks straight on trail but still floats well in powder.

If you keep the USI's, try tightening your center shock. This will decrease ski pressure
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Problem Found

Turns out I had a bent control arm so subtle that you would have never noticed. Having it replaced now...but thanks to all for your suggestions.


I've got the triple threats on my Doo XR. On soft snow, they are great. But on firm groomed trails they can be a beast to turn, no matter what you do. I've put the power steering plates on and use only round bar ski runners and that certainly helps.