gas tank leak


New member
Merry Christmas everybody!

I have a '97 ZR580 EFI that has a crack on the filler neck (right where the neck meets the gas tank). I was wondering if anybody knew of a way to fix that with glue or something like that. I have used expoxy made for plastic and that didn't work because the gas eats that away. I hate to have to replace the tank so any ideas to patch it would be great!


New member
Seal-All, in a red and yellow tube for a couple of bucks. Used it on metal gas tanks with gas seeping thru,just smeared it on over the gas and it sealed it up. Added a few more coats after that just to be sure. got it from TSC store but also have seen it in local hardware stores.


New member
Check Craigslist for a used gas tank. Seems like 2/3's of the sleds for parts are that vintage ZR 580. You can probably find a used tank for less than a repair kit.


Active member
Potentially dangerous .... replace gets my vote. Gas goes up fast.
That gets my vote too, Mike.

You're looking at a gas leak, folks. Ya know, gasoline?

Gasoline is extremely volatile (meaning it readily evaporates), requiring that tanks in vehicles be properly sealed — and the addition of ethanol increases the volatility of gasoline.

Gasoline burns in a limited range of its vapor phase and, coupled with its volatility, this makes leaks highly dangerous when sources of ignition are present.

Gasoline vapor rapidly mixes and spreads with air making unconstrained gasoline quickly flammable.

Gasoline vapor is also heavier than air, so it tends to remain near the ground — where you are — rather than rising into the atmosphere.

Example: Didja ever see some genius try to use gasoline to light a bonfire? Some of the gasoline vaporizes quickly after being poured and mixes with the surrounding air, so when the fire is lit a moment later the vapor surrounding the bonfire instantly ignites in a large fireball, engulfing the user. I have seen that; not a sport I want to participate in! ("Don't try this at home"!)

Ever see a sled 'bonfire'? How safe is safe enough? Is an attempt to seal a leaky tank safe enough?

What no comments from our firefighters here?


New member
Have a tank from a 98 jag 340. Not sure if its the same, but you can have it cheap. No seat though. It is a one piece seat pan/ fuel tank .