Getting time to plan Northwoods Snowmobile trips


New member
Earlier today I was getting my marketing calendar around for the next several months with my advertiser. Then we stumbled upon December, January, and February. I then realized that in order to schedule marketing events that I have to also schedule snowmobiling trips!

I sure hope that winter cooperates this year (I'm sure it will). The big one I'm hoping for is the elusive week of Dec. 15th. Will there or won't there be snow?!

It's the best trip because no one goes that time. I was the first one on groomed trails time and time again last year!

Anyone else planning trips?


New member
Booked our New Year's trip out west about 2 weeks ago... on the hottest day in 6 years in Chicago. Have done the planning in July last several years. Seems like the hot weather always gets me thinkin' 'bout where I'd rather be...

I also bought my snow tires/rims on that day for my Porsche...
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New member
Earlier today I was getting my marketing calendar around for the next several months with my advertiser. Then we stumbled upon December, January, and February. I then realized that in order to schedule marketing events that I have to also schedule snowmobiling trips!

I sure hope that winter cooperates this year (I'm sure it will). The big one I'm hoping for is the elusive week of Dec. 15th. Will there or won't there be snow?!

It's the best trip because no one goes that time. I was the first one on groomed trails time and time again last year!

Anyone else planning trips?

Last year that date was good. Rode every weekend except two or three last year. This year when we get that big dump before x-mas lets hope it stays. Last year there were two big dumps before the holidays followed by a huge warm spell melting all the fun.


New member
If you would like I could post our plans. We some how seam to get all the
huge warm spell melting all the fun.


New member
yeah polarice, i updated my schedule today since im at the office. our big ones will be xmas through jan.5. prob head up middle of feb. for a week and again in march for a week, with a few quick weekends mixed in. keep in touch this winter, i might be a little short handed for company this year, wait and see as it gets closer.


New member
For sure...keep in touch. I'll also be there on 8-18 for a few days as well as the weekend of 9-30 for some salmon fishing.