global warming?



John, My wife was watching the WC the other day and Cantore was saying that the reason we are seeing heavy snows in NY and in general is because of GW. He said the poles are warmer and these are some of the effects it has on weather systems. I guess my question is not about GW part of the thinking but rather if the pole temps are a factor. I mean we have had storms like this every few decades way before the GW camp set up their tents. If pole temps raise and the water temp increases it seems logical to think weather systems would be effected, keep in mind I know nuting :confused:


Staff member
Yes, everything unusual that ever happens in the weather across the entire planet is due to Global Warming.

Actually, I have to say that I am very disappointed that anyone would even make such a remark, but in my opinion, Cantore went off the deep end and became a media deva a long time ago. Some folks will say anything, do anything and act in any way, just to get exposure in front of a camera. Not sour grapes or jealousy or anything like that. Just an observation of how he has changed in the past 20 years.

Anyway, there are a number of factors responsible, chief among them being the effect of La Nina. It tends to lead to a trough in southeast Canada in the winter months. This year, that has been coupled with a large high over Greenland to allow the trough to be deeper and sharper than usual, which has lead to lots of cyclogenesis (storm formation) in the far eastern US. None of these features can be attributed to any kind of climate change.

We are constantly rolling the dice with the weather and occasionally you get some interesting combinations to form, which produces unusual weather. Been happening for as long as anyone has records.



Super Moderator
Staff member
The GW crowd, or climate change crowd, now blame every single weather related event, to climate change. It doesn't matter if its hotter than average, colder than average, rainier than average, drier than average, stormier than average, or snowier than average. They are grasping at straws to keep their bs flowing.

And John, you are right, Cantore sure has changed over the years. Wonder if the gw money caused that?


New member
Yes, everything unusual that ever happens in the weather across the entire planet is due to Global Warming.

Actually, I have to say that I am very disappointed that anyone would even make such a remark, but in my opinion, Cantore went off the deep end and became a media deva a long time ago. Some folks will say anything, do anything and act in any way, just to get exposure in front of a camera. Not sour grapes or jealousy or anything like that. Just an observation of how he has changed in the past 20 years.

Anyway, there are a number of factors responsible, chief among them being the effect of La Nina. It tends to lead to a trough in southeast Canada in the winter months. This year, that has been coupled with a large high over Greenland to allow the trough to be deeper and sharper than usual, which has lead to lots of cyclogenesis (storm formation) in the far eastern US. None of these features can be attributed to any kind of climate change.

We are constantly rolling the dice with the weather and occasionally you get some interesting combinations to form, which produces unusual weather. Been happening for as long as anyone has records.


AMEN! John Dee for President!!!



Active member
So I'm not the only one who thought that guy turned into a total clown. I used to love watching him back in the day. Now he's a joke and the weather Chanel as a hole has become pretty much useless.
THANK YOU John. I don't now what us snow nuts would do without you!


Well-known member
A little global warming wouldn't be all bad in Grand Forks, in January we had 24 days with below zero temps, 5 days of -20 or colder, one day of -31, and 6 days where are high temp was below zero and 19 days with highs of 10 or below. We had a nice warm up the last week of January or it might have been worse.


New member
never a good topic with sledders.
Jim Cantore is a total A#$clown.
And yes he has changed for the worse in recent years.


'If you say it long enough, they will believe it'..... indoctrination of the mush brains (our kids) by the likes of Cantore.

I can remember as a very small boy, riding in the county highway snow plow with my grandpa. When I knew a storm was coming, I'd be up at 5am sitn by the radio just waiting for the school cancelations. And when it came, I'd call my grandpa's radio man, to tell gramps he needed to stop by the house. Then I'd hang up and race to the scanner waiting for them to call gramps truck number and his reply of when he would be by. I can still remember the awesome storms we would have, when it took days just to bust open a few of the roads. One lane in most of the back roads and then another storm would come. The old International dump truck with a huge V blade bustn through 4-5 ft drifts that were a mile long or more. I can remember finding cars buried in drifts hoping not to find anyone in them. his season has had a feeling of the good ole' days....

Thank you John for your site and being able to see what is coming, unlike 30-40 years ago, and being able to get the toys ready to play.


New member
I believe in climate change. I believe it has been changing for a million years and I believe it will continue to change for a million more regardless of what we do or have done. I also believe that the earth could flick us humams off of it like fleas on a dog if it wanted to. And may just do it some day.


New member
I was a fan of TWC 'back in the day' before it became famous...1995ish. I think it was the New York snowstorm in Jan 1996 when viewership really took off. Before that, ad time was cheap and you'd see seed corn commercials and the like. Suddenly in 1996 the ads shifted to investment firms, Michelin tires, etc. Now you have the same quality ads you see on other high-end shows/channels. I have to believe that TWC has to stay GW favorable otherwise they risk not being able to sell as much of their high-priced advertising. Too many GW bigots out there (unfortunately with influence) who insist on GW no matter which way the wind blows. My .02