Go hug your kids.


Active member
We got the call at 5am this morning. My wife's cousin and friends were killed instantly when another young person made a choice that he is going to have to live with for the rest of his life. This isn't meant to be a lecture or a Debbie downer post. Life can be shorter than you think. Just enjoy it .


Active member
You are right.
Both son and daughter close by, but havnt hugged lately.
I leave house sometimes thinking I may not be back. Never know how short.


New member
This hits close to home for me as we'll. I'll be a pall bearer at my brother in law's funeral on Monday.

Hug your loved ones and think twice about the potential consequences of your decisions.


New member
I accidentally submitted before finishing.

Woodtic, you family will be in my thoughts And prayers.


Active member
This accident is out of a movie,they shut down the Eisenhower for almost 1/2 the day to try and figure it out. A group of young people on there way home,hit head on by some other kids driving down the wrong side of the expressway way drunk.Lives were lost and lives were ruined that quick.
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Well-known member
sorry for the tragic news.

What is going on with this rash of wrong way expressway drivers this summer?....We had a bunch in the Milw. area also...weird.

on a less serious note, i always get the image of John Candy and Steve Martin from Planes Trains and Automobiles when i hear about it...sorry


Bad news, My buddy Byrn71 has also experienced a death from a close friend's brother who was close in age and a good friend. All this is tragic, hurts a lot just to know friends are suffering, hang in there guys!


Well-known member
Sorry to hear about the loss. My ex wife moved 1 1/2 hours away with my kids. I drive a little over 3 hours every other day to see my boys just for that exact reason. You never know what life will give you, take advantage of the blessings you have.


Well-known member

Sorry for your loss. First time today I didn't take my dog Cole to work in over 17 years. Your loss is much more serious than mine but they all hurt.


New member
Sorry for the loss as it all hurts. In the past three years I have had one friend die on the ice playing hockey, one just passed away due to Cancer, One having a close call with Cancer, and as I type this I am sitting at night in my Brother In-Laws hospital room where he fights for his life after being hit with Sepsis four weeks ago this Sunday.

Everyone, please spend an hour to educate yourselves on Sepsis. It is brutal to say the least and often mistaken for the Flu until it is to late.