God Bless our fellow Americans


Well-known member
Thoughts and Prayers go out to our American Brothers and Sisters still trapped in Afghanistan. Lets hope somehow we can get them all home safely.


Well-known member
Don't quote me but 2 explosions at air port this morning, now telling American's to get away from air port, prayers for safe passage home for all of them, and prayers for their families that are here hoping for their safe return.


Well-known member
4 marines killed others injured reports say.
our military and us citizens are sitting ducks right now.
the remaining afghans that helped us in the war are never getting out.
I'm embarrassed and saddened for ourselves.

old abe

Well-known member
Don't quote me but 2 explosions at air port this morning, now telling American's to get away from air port, prayers for safe passage home for all of them, and prayers for their families that are here hoping for their safe return.

A very sad situation! I agree, and do not make any excuses, however, 4 administrations all contributed to this Fiasco from the get go! And the reality sadly is there was never to be a good way out, or ending to this! Wasn't going to,happen.


Staff member
No politics please. <br><br>The situation in Afghanistan is and was WAY to complicated to be blamed on one person or one party.<br><br>Thoughts and prayers is what anyone still left there needs from us. The rest is just hot wind.<br><br>-John 


Well-known member
Lets not only keep The American's in our prayers but the innocent people who also reside in Afghanistan that are also trapped or have no where to go, its a very sad situation.


Well-known member
If you are in afganastan and not part of the military....what amount a money got you to go there in the first place?


All the money you would ever need for the rest of your life. Paid by the US in the form of defence contracts and nation building. Millions and millions.