Good news for Thompson Illinois

Papa Goose

New member
MSNBC announced Monday PM that the Thompson prision had been chosen to house over 100 Gitmo detanies. That means it will become a Federal Prision which I actually understand has better pay and benefits than our state prisions. This is good news for the local economy, I live within 35 miles. The sad thing is that was build in 2001 at a cost of $140,000,000. It was built as a maximum security unit, staff was hired and trained but thanks to Gov. Rod and the prision union it was never opened.
It turned out that for the new modern unit in Thompson to be opened an old outdated unit in Pontiac would have to be closed. The union prevailed and our taxpayer paid for prision has sat virtually empty for 8 yr.
I am sorry but living and paying taxes in Illinois for the last 35 years has left a bitter taste in my mouth. How many Govs from your state have been in prision, are in prision or are about to go to prision. Just another reason you wish you lived in the Northwoods or UP.


New member
Still a pretty good place to make a living. Several places I would rather live but our economy is actually not that bad compared to pleanty of other states.


New member
You probably won't be able to get within a mile of the place, and the people that live inside of the radius will get screwed by the government. They will be forced out of their homes and paid for the land for pennies on the dollar. The local people that worked there will be let go and the federal employees/Military will take over.