Google Your Name


New member
Hello John,
Is there any reason why when you google your name that your JohnDee profile is the first hit? And then of course anything in your profile is viewable. Not that this info is a big secret but this info was taylored for the those on the JohnDee website.


I did not get that type of result when I googled my name. It gave my website home address as the #1 search result and then some of the other pages to my site as extras and then after that links to other john dee (not me) stuff on the web.



New member
Hmmm....I googled a few other people's names (that use their full name in their profile) from their profile page and also got the same results as I indicated. Again, not a big deal. I guess yours may come up different because you have your own web site called John Dee. Thanks


crb340 and John,
I also get as first return on Goggle. Here's the thing, I can Google a subject on my laptop, walk 3 feet to my wife's laptop and Google exactly the same thing, and get two different sets of results. I am guessing that Google has some sort of phishing software providing the individual user a specific set of results....
But then again, maybe I'm just paranoid.


New member
In these days of identity theft I think we all need to be a little paranoid. While the internet is a really great tool it can also provide undesirables with all types of information that they would not otherwise have access too. Blabath, I googled your name from your profile and your John Dee profile was the first hit.