got my new iphone


got one today and I've never texted or anything b4... what a learning curve. I hope I don't wreck on the curve.


Well-known member
Only took me week. Now I love it. My last phone was 5yrs old and didn't even have a camera. LOL
What did you get? edit- sorry didn't see the i. :)


Active member
The John Dee site is not really iFriendly matter o facto its one of the most difficult snowmachiner sites to operate wit da iphoney...


Super Moderator
Staff member

I just got a new phone also, two weeks ago. Cost me 1 penny!


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With some practice I have been able to post from the I-phone but not easliy. I think the Opera Mini browser that is available for free makes viewing this site a little easier.
Droid 2 here. Sweet! Phones. Jd needs an app. For the site. Wave of the future. Maybe prof pc needs work?

i'm not knockin dare iphones but theres a reason it dont work with and other sites.....ALL APPLE PRODUCTS SARG WADS OF BINARY see.....ALL....and i mean ALL DEVICES AND WEB SITES use JAVA....APPLES dont allow JAVA to run on thier there idiots....take you proprietary krap APPLE and chove it....ahhhhhhhhh....i feel better now

on the flip side an APP is easy to make but you must own APPLE PC and PHONE to do one could potentially make 300,000 dollas so i wont knock that 2 hard.....but you must turncoat to APPLE so......NO FOR ME....a PC based product can do 10 times more functions for less dolla, better 2....hard to swallow if you love APPLE but true....thier still working on TV TUNERS for LAPTOPS and PUTERS which was like 15 years ago PC.....DOH


New member
M8MAN make sure you have the latest software update I think for the 3gs its 4.0.1 it made viewing this site easier. I can view pics and post with no problem where before it was a really flaky interface with safari.


M8MAN make sure you have the latest software update I think for the 3gs its 4.0.1 it made viewing this site easier. I can view pics and post with no problem where before it was a really flaky interface with safari.

Actually, they released 4.0.2 last week, but that has nothing to do with how the site is viewed. It was just to patch a security hole. As far as safari, the JD site has viewed the same for me on every OS since 2.1. Just have to learn your way around the phone & settings. M8, any questions let me know. I should be able to help with most ??'s I'm training my wife now as I gave her my 3GS when my iPhone4 came in and unlocked and set up my friend to use my old 3G on T-mobile. I'm no fan of Apple's propietary system, but there's ways around that & it's the best device out there if you know how to use it and I've used them all, including Droids (great devices, but still 2nd place).

A couple good tips for the JD site are:

1.When you're on any screen, double tap and the screen will fill with that section only (see pic), cutting out ads & top bars, etc.

2. If you want to bookmark JD pages, you have to navigate to the page, then go to "History" and re- open page from the History link and bookmark that. if you don't do that, it will always take you back to the "enter" screen.


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Thanks, I seem to be having trouble logging in on the site. I can enter the user id and password but when I hit enter the password dissappears and then the login fails.

Another question as well

For a while my computer has said I need to update my browser as it's to old. I've ignored it. Now when i plugged in the phone to the laptop to get itunes set up it said I needed a newer version of itunes. So I downloaded the new version and it said done. I then restarted the computer and itunes wasn't updated.. Is it because I've never updated my browser??

I don't understand this crap.


Use google chrome or firefox, much better browsers than IE!

Sent via iPhone

now thats funny....yo DO know that they only SEEM better because they have LESS IN THEM....they work better because APPLE cannot handle too much stuff all at once so most options are turned off....IE is way better i'm afraid.....a tad slower yes.....but has 50 more options turned go download about 500 of these add-ons and you'll be even then....then report back how sweet they are they got you guys hook line and sinker with the faster thing.....loading faster means absolutely takes 20 seconds more.....whoooooooo.....but it takes 10 trips at 2 minutes download for each add-on every other day....whooooooo....provided you know how to do it even...if your not puter savy dont even go near CHROME.....FIREFOX is like CLIFF NOTES for 2c
im sorry...its only 1 second faster with less is that great....AHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA...and this is even 2009, the difference is even farther apart now....towards IE i'm much misinformation out there by way of the modern chinese telephone .....web site blogs including this one

The Speed-Test Results
By and large, we found that Internet Explorer 8 performed well, and beat out Firefox 3.0.7 in the majority of our time trials.

However, IE 8's performance advantage is relatively negligible. In most of our testing, IE 8's advantage was half a second or less. One notable exception, however, was in loading the English-language Wikipedia home page, where IE 8 beat out Firefox by an average of one second (IE 8 took about 2.2 seconds to load the page on average, while Firefox 3 took about 3.3 seconds). Also of note: on average, IE 8 loaded Apple's home page nearly twice as quickly as Firefox.

APPLE GUYS....dont read this sentence it will pucker you

Also of note: on average, IE 8 loaded Apple's home page nearly twice as quickly as Firefox.


Moderator they got you guys hook line and sinker with the faster thing.....

They really don't "have us" as the products are free. It's not like I had to spend $200 just to be disappointed in a purchase or anything. I use Chrome and Firefox, as I have found different websites work better on different browsers. Probably should give IE a look again, as it has been a while since I have taken it for a spin. It's just that I am hooked on the Chrome thumbnail homepage.