Got yo ride this year


Got to ride yesterday rode 35 miles. I have knee replacement surgery tomorrow, hopefully I will recoup fast enough to do some more riding later. Trails are different than two years ago here in the Coloma MI.

All of the rest you please ride safely and Merry Christmas.


Deleted member 10829

Good luck

Good luck on the knee surgery and a speedy recovery! I'm almost 49, and I will need one someday due to an old basketball injury. I will schedule mine for when the golf course closes and then I should be ready to ride by the time the trails get good. I'm hoping I won't need mine for several years yet.


I hate to tell you this but do not ride this year. Your 35 miles is the only riding you will get this year.

Several years ago I had both knees replaced, one in August and one about this same date in December. Doctor said DONOT ride this year and my wife inforced it. I also bought a new sled that same winter but it sat until the next year.

Trust me it was worth the wait to be able to ride with 2 good knees and not risking damage because to the new bionics. The new parts are glued in and the muscles around the knee need to be reabilitated to protect the new hardware.

Hope the surgery goes well!