Gotta start 'em young!

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Deleted member 10829

I just had to take this picture outside the Hoop. The pic was taken 1/19/09. The boy is so young he still is using a nookie! Does anyone know who this may be? It's great to get them started early. :)

Picture 641.jpg


I'm hoping to get my 3 year old going on some runs this year! She had fun last year just ripping around a local field with me so I don't think I'll have a problem on some shorter runs. I'm looking to buy one of the safety belts systems and a helmet for her real soon. Can't wait!



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New member
Starting them early is KEY! They start out having fun, horsing around. My favorite pic with the mini. (pic#1) Roll it over and giggle all night!! (pic#2) Priceless times as they are already 7 and 9 now.
Took our first family snowmobile trip last year and they all had a blast....that means I get to ride more!! Last pic is of the girls without the helmets on. I find it hard to find pics with their helmets off, I think we gotem' trained right
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Well-known member
I have taken the kids around the house since they where about 2. Then have taken my two oldest on trips once they hit 4 (my requirement was potty training hand to be mastered first, lol) Here is my middle son last March on his first trip, went to Caddy, just me and him. We put on all most 100 miles in one day, thought that was good for him.



Think he was having a good time?


Lights Out about mile 50


This tunnel on trail 6 will not be here anymore. I believe they took it out this summer.


New member
Yeah, that mountain strap makes for a pretty darn nice handle!!

With the girls getting as tall as they are, have to look at a different seating configuration to eliminate thehelmet tapping! They make a convertible seat for the Summits Right???


yea, even the girls can get in on the action


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Active member
mspease, I had to look to make sure it wasn't one of mine!? We lost a few 'nookies' on the trails throughout the years.

Mine at 13. 10 and 8 now...the oldest started going with us whererver we went before he was 2. The 2 youngers before they could talk?! I used to ride with one strapped in front and one in the hiking backpack. The biggest problem was what to do when they fell asleep...and learned that if you pop that kill switch up fast enough your sled doesn't even die out?! People used to crack up when we pulled up to stops...but I missed 3 seasons being pregnant or infants so I wasn't willing to give up any more.

i found a diaper in my old snowmobile coat...and remembered the time that I put the baggy of wipes in my outside coat pocket and they froze?! I DO NOT miss those days at all. Now I have a 13 year old who's been riding for longer than was legal and is a better rider out there than most. My 10 year old doens't seem to have the same desire to ride but at least no one has said they'd rather NOT go?!


mspease, I had to look to make sure it wasn't one of mine!? We lost a few 'nookies' on the trails throughout the years.

Mine at 13. 10 and 8 now...the oldest started going with us whererver we went before he was 2. The 2 youngers before they could talk?! I used to ride with one strapped in front and one in the hiking backpack. The biggest problem was what to do when they fell asleep...and learned that if you pop that kill switch up fast enough your sled doesn't even die out?! People used to crack up when we pulled up to stops...but I missed 3 seasons being pregnant or infants so I wasn't willing to give up any more.

i found a diaper in my old snowmobile coat...and remembered the time that I put the baggy of wipes in my outside coat pocket and they froze?! I DO NOT miss those days at all. Now I have a 13 year old who's been riding for longer than was legal and is a better rider out there than most. My 10 year old doens't seem to have the same desire to ride but at least no one has said they'd rather NOT go?!

I hope it was a unused diaper you found.


New member
Wow reminds me of a story a friend told about his son about 8 or 9 going out in the woods to do a heavy duty late one night. This was in the old days when most suits were one piece and had hoods on them. It was a very dark night and most of what he ment to leave in the woods ended up in the hood. This was in the days before most of us had helmits and the boy put the hood up to keep warm what a mess when they got home. TRUE STORY||||


Wow reminds me of a story a friend told about his son about 8 or 9 going out in the woods to do a heavy duty late one night. This was in the old days when most suits were one piece and had hoods on them. It was a very dark night and most of what he ment to leave in the woods ended up in the hood. This was in the days before most of us had helmits and the boy put the hood up to keep warm what a mess when they got home. TRUE STORY||||

"note to self - don't buy a suit with a hood!" LOL!


We started ours young. My daughter, now 21 years old, was over to the house Sunday with a friend. What's the first thing she does? Takes her friend to the garage to show her the snowmobiles :) I love it!



Well-known member
Took my oldest, 6 at the time, last year to the snocross race in Hayward, he loved it. We rode the sled to the race and he kept complaining about cold feet. We went inside to warm up, he forgot to put any socks on! So i give him mine, problem solved. We had a great time watching the race, decide to leave and gear up next to the sled. Now, his glove is missing! Look all over, can't find it. So i take off my under armour shirt, wrap it around his hand and it does the trick. All in all we both had a great time! This year its time to take my two oldest sons, 7 and 6. Gonna pack a bunch of extra socks and gloves!