Goverment control of the weather


New member
John, Did you see the show called Thats Impossible? It showed how our,and other,countries were using low frequency sound waves to alter/control the weather. Really spooky stuff.


I did not see that episode and would have to see such a thing to believe it. I'm not one to rule things out quickly, but the weather is a mighty big and powerful thing to try and modify to any real extent.



New member
LOOK FOR IT! They have three antenna array fields. Two in alaska and one in puerto rico. They shoot the low freq. sound waves into the sky. The waves make the ionasphere bulge up. The atmosphere rushes in to fill the new void. The new disturbance they say can divert the jet stream. they sited the freak high pressure off california the year they had all the wild fires was one such case. They also say its responsible for the unexplained constant high pressure zone outside the gulf that has diverted all hurricanes for the past three years,post katrina,. they also claim it's defense move by our weather controllers because they feel some other country deflected it at us! they say they can't explain why it made a sharp turn and then rode on a straight line path. both things they say hurricanes never have done before. there is allot more so look for the show and i hope they use it to send more snow!!


Well, if your description of the process is correct, then there is no weather modification going on. Any changes made to the ionosphere would not be translated to the troposphere (where our weather occurs).

The two are separated by 50-80 miles, which may not sound like much, but the troposphere is only about 5-7 miles thick. There is also very little interaction that goes on between the different layers of the atmosphere, that is why the layers remain intact.

Plus the amount of energy the ionosphere is absorbing from the sun is probably millions or perhaps trillions times more than man can create with low frequency waves. So it would be like saying I am modifying Lake Superior by tossing a rock into it.

I suppose it made for good late night cable TV viewing, but is not scientifically correct at all.



New member
i'm sure in my brief desc. i am not 100% accurate. i am not a meteorologist. but they did say that the energy does swell the outer most layer and ALL the subsequent layers do go up and fill the void. look for the show and then tell me what you think. i'd greatly appreciate your take on it after u watched it. i believe it appeared on the science channel


Interesting show, but the most boring narrator I have ever heard. I TIVOed it, and over two different sittings, had a hard time staying awake. Pretty interesting stuff though.