

New member
I have a 98 Polaris700 xcsp for a back up sled and for friends and family to use. Had my girlfriend on it last year, it is a very fast sled. I want to know if anyone has any good ideas on an quick and easy way to govern it down. I gave her a nick name of gunny last winter. Just want to slow it down so its not so fast , in case she hits the throttle a littler harder than she wants. Thanks


Just wind some duct tape around the throttle side handgrip so the flipper won't open up all the way. Or else take one spark plug wire off. Or else get her a 370 to ride. Or else just let her ride until she scares herself and slows down on her own. Everybody has to learn.


New member
a 700 it a bit much for the ol' lady. I'd suggest the duct tape on the hand grip if you want to do that or try to sell and upgrade to an indy 500 for her, 72 hp is more than enough for most lady friends.


New member
How about adjusting the secondary clutch so the belt is dropped down into the sheaves versus being up 1/8'' where it should be... I think it will make it a little boggier on the bottom end. Or adjust the throttle cable so that it wont go wide open. a real generic way would be to stuff a towel or something in the airbox to fatten it up, might foul a plug or two so have spares!
Quick and easy... probably making the handle bar right behind the throttle larger with some padding or duct tape like stated, along with adjusting the throttle cable should do the trick.


New member
Is she riding above her ability or are you just mad that she is faster and better then

lol, no if that happens I gett a faster sled lol. she is only 125 lbs so she would be a rocket on that thing if she knew how to really ride it!


New member
Take her and the sled to an open field and let her rip, teach her how to shift around on it. Teach her how to change a spark plug or a belt.
Take snacks and hot cider to make it fun. A woman with your passion for sleds is the bestus freind you can have.


New member
Take her and the sled to an open field and let her rip, teach her how to shift around on it. Teach her how to change a spark plug or a belt.
Take snacks and hot cider to make it fun. A woman with your passion for sleds is the bestus freind you can have.


Direct Attack

New member
Drill a small hole in the thumb throttle and use a small bolt with a double jam nut so that it will only go as fast as you want it to go, when she gets better you can make adjustments to it. My dad did this for us when we were little. Just my two cents worth.