gps maps for red pine mapping


New member
I screwed up and didn't save the maps how do I get in touch with these people to re download the maps, I just emailed him but didn't know if there is a better way. thanks


red pine

Good Luck on the email. I have been waiting a week and 1/2, still no reply for about the same issue.Funny though, they rec'd my money immediately.
Please post if you hear back from them. I'm sending another email,maybe it got lost in email space.
Had the same trouble asking ? Emailed a couple times no answer then posted on board
and got the info.
The last post on 1-15-10 on redmap has people you can send a note too.
I had no problems downloading the maps.
They seem realy good, but I'll know this weekend.
Theres almost 2 much info on maps, hope that is not the case,
but I wanted too know were i'm at.
For the price I think its a good product, If it can save u from one wrong
turn, it's worth it's wait in gold, you only have so much time
2 ride and when u waste it back traking or are lost it sucks.

Think Snow!!!!!


New member
got a email earlier and he reset my account one happy person again thanks so much maps are great, I think he is really busy keep sending on I think he will respond


red pine gps

Thanks to a few posts and I'm sure a little time to reply, I rec'd an email from red pine and restored my account and all should be well. Thank You, can't wait to use the gps.


New member
Got my MN map loaded and initially saw the trails but after playing around a bit they disappeared. Suspect I changed some setting in the unit's option by mistake. Anyone have any ideas what I may have done? I'm using a Lowrance XOG.


Go to "Categories Drawn", find "Highways". Scroll about 10 categories down and highlight it. In the Subcategory, if "US" is not check, the trails will not display. I just trying this on my XOG. Hope this helps.


New member
snowfish - somehow the category "Highways" became unchecked (Subcategory US was still selected). I checked Highways and wallah - maps back again. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

Sounds like you have experience with the XOG. Any other suggestions or setup tips?


I've been using the XOG for about 2 years now. Here's a couple observations.

Always keep it plugged into an external power source. The internal batteries do not hold a charge for squat. In cold weather, even when plugged in, the internal batteries will die due to the temperature sensitive charging circuit of the unit.

In options, third page, look at your device information. If you're not running version 1.8.0 or higher, you'll need to download it from the Lowrance site. Definitely makes a night and day difference in operations.

In My Trails, I reset the Maximum Points to 9999 from the 2000 default setting. That way the oldest points will not get erased when on a long ride. Kind of a bummer to attempt to follow your tracks home only to find out the starting points are missing.

Adding a new trail, from time to time (after lunch, different day etc)in a different color, makes it easy to see where you've been compared to where you're going. The most, that I've had displayed, is five trails in different colors and patterns. That can get to be kind of a mess. So I either delete some or all and start over.

For me, running with Tracks Up is better than North Up. It seems easier to know to turn right or left without flipping everything over in you mind. What's on the map is what's in front of you. A simple touch of the screen changes it to north up to compare to your paper map. I still like a paper map to see the big picture better.

As far as display settings, just change one thing at a time and see how you like it. Information is good, but too much can really clutter things up. Simply go to categories drawn (or any other setting for that matter), change something, go back to the map and see what looks different. Drove my wife crazy with all the beeping! When I got "the look", I turned the sound off! Wise move. LOL!

Too bad Lowrance has discontinued the product. (Probably because Garmin is rocking with the Nuvi series) The XOG seems to be a great value with very few limitations. The only minor things, that can easily be worked around, are the poor battery life, screen is not viewable in direct sunlight, and slow speed tracking(but that's more of a fishing thing)

If I didn't already have my XOG, the Garmin Nuvi 205W or 500 would be my choice.



New member
Thanks snowfish. Looks like I'm running 1.6.0. Will update soon.

Couldn't fine the place to reset the # of trail points.


The update, for me, worked better downloading to the computer, then to the SD card, and then to the XOG. The direct online thing didn't work for me. Smooth as silk going using the alternate method. USE A NEW SD CARD! NOT YOUR REDPINE CARD! If you use the RedPine card, your trails will be gone.

Be patient. When you plug the updated card, into the XOG and boot it up, all kinds of crazy screen things will happen. Just let 'er buck and it will work fine.

Your trail points are in my trails. When you see trail 1, press on it. The trail edit menu will come up. Then you can maximize trail points, change colors, and patterns.

Pretty powerful little machine. Cheers.
Had my first time use of the maps this weekend in cable.
It is awsome too have all the roads and some of the trails.
Had too stop a couple times to look at paper map, but all in all was
worth the money for maps.
I had the free maps last year, which are good, but nothing compared to red pine map.
Wish all the trails were on it, trail no., and at least trails are there, ran across couple
trails, one, a road with no snowmobiling sign , another was a power line somebody
gps's and must of sent in.
Some people know the areas there riding like the back of there hand, thats great,
but this makes it so nice knowing where your at all the time.
I have a Garmin 276c coulpe people said they had it last year, bought one and love it.
Picked up a second battery this year, only had to use it once, cold dose not seem to bother it.
Just my 2 cents on gps and red pine maping, 4 stars out of 5.

Think Snow!!!!