GPS trail maps?


New member
Seen some ads for GPS trail maps. Interesting concept. Makes a lot of sense.

Anyone have any comments on the maps available from the handful of companies out there selling the maps? Any better than others? GPS unit that handles the temps better?

Would be mostly interested in Wi. and Mi. trails.

Thanks for any info.
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New member
So far I haven't found that they're much good. If you want to tell your gps that you want to go get gas, it takes you by road. Unless I just don't have something set correctly. I have redpinemapping and sent them an email about it and haven't heard back from them. That's been over a week.

At this point I would say don't waste your time or money on them. Use a paper map.


I have used the free versions that you can download from They seem to be really good. The free versions do not include any other information than the trail maps. I have a Lowrance versions and I have had no issues.


New member
I was just looking at their website to try to answer my own question. I think I have figured it out on my Zumo. Hopefully these will turn out to be good maps!


New member
I was just looking at their website to try to answer my own question. I think I have figured it out on my Zumo. Hopefully these will turn out to be good maps!

I have found the GPSSLEDMAPS.COM to be very accurate in Wi. and Mi., they now have trail by trail directions. If you leverage what you can get form others tracks and waypoints or simply use the Metroguide maps that are on the GPS you will get turn by turn directions to your destination by trail. You simply highlight the gas station closest to the trail and get directions, it will do this by trail accurately.

I have been using these for 3 years on my Garmin and have learned to rely on these regularly. On their website many people post free downloads of their areas which are often detailed with beverage stops, key points like lookout points, gas stations, lodging ect. Adding these to your GPS on top of the GPSSLEDMAPS make the GPS very robust. Well worth the $40 for 2 states in my opinion.
