Grayling to bridge 12/28/09


New member
Rebuilt the motor on my 2000 Polaris 600 Touring (has 17279.6 miles on it and it needed rebuilt, huh, imagine that) and took it for a test drive. Started in Grayling and rode to the Bridge and back, (Rode my 99 XLT Touring from Gaylord to the bridge 10 days ago, pics on gallery 3), rode 210 miles, ran like new! Anyway, it was snowing on and off had some whiteout conditions! First pic was at the Ugly bar in Vanderbuilt, about 6 inches of fresh snow. The next pic is from ten days ago showing the bridge. The next pic shows the place I took the pic of the bridge ten days ago. I was at the far right at the end of the fence ten days ago. It was snowing so hard you can't see the bridge in this pic, but it was there! Next pic is my sled at the boat launch at Otsego state park, and finally a pic on the trail while it was snowing. Going north Friday after work with my son. Going to ride out of Alley park Friday and Sunday, and riding Grayling area to ? Saturday. GOD I LOVE THIS SPORT! Is there something wrong with me? HAPPY NEW YEAR FELLOW SLEDHEADS!


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Super Moderator
Staff member
Nice pics! thanks for sharing!
17K miles on the sled! WOW
25 miles in a day boondockin can be a long day for me! ha ha

Scottiking OUT


Nice pictures and no there is nothing wrong with you unless you start counting the days til you ride 9 months ahead of time like I do 16 days to go woo hoo!!!!!!!!