Great idea


New member
in todays day and age we need to come together in a larger voice.I propose we start Johndee riders association chapters.chapter 1 of course is reserved for you,I got dibs on southeast wisconsin chapter 2.we could help out local clubs that need an extra bit of help,they could even become affiliated with us.we could help charities or anything that is good that would help improve the wonderfull sport we all love.chapters would have monthly or bimonthly meetings,pay dues of course to help with costs and other things.your johndee get together could be the convention once a year.our website would or could be your could just add a page for chapter news,info and other things.I have a lot of good me if you want,i know your a busy man.1-414-573-2802 I think it could be an acumulitive large voice for our sport and I will help in any way I can


New member
we would have a code of ethics to follow along with some bylaws.theres all kinds of gun clubs and they have affiliated with the nra for a larger voice.i will still be in my local club but if we all come together there is no telling what we could acomplish


New member
just like the experimental aircraft association which i also belong to.i go to there convention everyyear in oshkosh and it is great


Hey, sounds like a good idea. Maybe it would lead to more rides with the people who frequent this site. Kind of like our local HOG chapters, but on a smaller scale. Count me in. What do you think John? Is it doable or too big of a hassle?


Sounds like a neat idea, but I am completely used up for time, so it would not be something that I could put time into unfortunately.
